WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.
WAXED LEAVES  - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.

WAXED LEAVES - Natural Solid Perfume - Base Layers - LIMITED ED.


Regular price $82.00 Sale


| base layers | 

what leaves do
on their way down
interests me
they're falling
no parachute
no cushion
no acrobatics
just free falling
like it's 
no big deal
just something they do once
a year
like closing the windows
before the first frost
and even though that
leaf has never
fallen before
it seems to remember 
the floating pattern of 
it's oaken predecessor
and somehow 
mimics the amber armed softness
and ember colored edges
with little effort.

Miraculously it lands
injury free.
by a spun net
of jungled earth
and mushrooms 
not yet bloomed.

(falling. ananda wilson. 9.29.22)

LIMITED EDITION only 11 made

Style: Earthy, waxy, semi sweet

Strength: solid extrait 

Prominent Characteristics

deciduous leaves
warmed wax
chewing roots
dead flowers


The Personal, The Process, The Gathered.   

We've returned to the immersive experience of camping as of late. Sweater Stories and Waxed Leaves are both olfactory compositions that are informed by these sensorial, site specific experiences. New England autumns are so special, it's hard to capture its whole energy but small attempts through olfactory art seem a worthy effort.

As Falling becomes an archived perfume, I welcome Sweater Stories it its stead, at least for now. Waxed Leaves makes a beautiful base layer for Sweater Stories. 

You can take a peek into a couple of our camp experiences here and here

Waxed Leaves is a resonant balm that works as a delicious skin scent on its own, but also welcomes layering as its waxy nature and base note materials provide excellent fixative properties. 

100% Natural Perfume by Gather. Waxed Leaves is not vegan. 

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
My favorite!

I thought I had lost this little treasure. I put a warm long shirt on today and this dropped out of the pocket! So thankful to have it back. It is also a favorite of my husband.

Stephanie Shih

Quite possibly my favorite perfume by far. Truly transports you right to an autumn forest. It has longevity without being overpowering, and a little bit goes a long way. I think the only thing of note is that I need to be careful of the balm possibly staining until it properly absorbs into my skin. Absolutely worth the patience for how good it smells though.

Autumn Camouflage

Waxed Leaves is another Gather creation that showcases Anandas ingeniousness and plastic olfactory gift. It is a brown, sticky, honey-like paste, an earthy, sweet, waxy concoction of roots and autumn leaves. The drydown ist reminiscent of the sweet tobacco and dense florals of Passionflower/the Millefleurs. The earthy sensation, the ancient tree roots and leaves are so palpably incarnated, that when wearing Waxed Leaves you might think being that ancient tree yourself, or some hedgehog or a rabbit preparing for winter in his hole unter the tree. It is, in short, a delightful immersion into a magical autumn picture.